Thursday, February 4, 2010

The start of something new...

Hello, I'm Katie.
Right now, I am a high school student at San Clemente High,
but as of today, I am a second semester senior :) If you're wondering why I have three separate pictures of me, it's because I feel like each one represents a different part of me. I love artistic photographs, cheerleading, and big cities (:

Although I do write in a journal, I've never actually blogged on the internet before, so I'm a little new at this.
I enjoy the littlest things in life, such as writing and drawing, which is why I decided to make a blog in the first place.
Blogging to me, is a way of letting the world know who you are through pictures and words. Unlike writing in a journal, where no one really sees what you portray, almost like keeping a million little secrets, and never letting anyone know. Blogging can be a place to vent to absolutely no one in particular, or a place to tell the world what made you smile that day.

For example, I'm in the middle of a little crisis at the moment. Well, I wouldn't really use the word "little" because it's one of those decisions you make in your life, and when you look back on it, you think, "wow, that ONE decision made me the person I am today."

So, what IS this decision, this life changing "mid-adult-teenage-crisis", you ask? Well, I did a stupid thing, to put it bluntly. So, approximately 6 months ago I made the decision to apply to college in the summer going into my senior year. Yay for me! I'm getting ahead of the rest of my class, right? WRONG. I decided, right then and there, that I was going to apply to FIDM (The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising) and I was going to GO THERE and major in FASHION DESIGNING, and get my BACHELOR'S DEGREE, and become the next HUGE fashion designer! Glamorous, I know. There was nothing that was going to stop me, not even my dad, who is the biggest influence in my life, and was constantly telling me "maybe you should leave your options open, maybe you should try out other things first, instead of just jumping right into this."
No, not me. I am stubborn, and when I have a goal in mind, nothing is going to get in my way. But in this case, I was being extremely naive.

To make the longest story ever, the shortest story ever, I ended up being accepted and said, "that's that. I've got my whole life planned out. No need to apply to other colleges. Yeah, right. Total waste of MY time...."

Ha, well.... here I am, 6 months later, college-less. Throughout these past 6 months, I've had a few doubts cross my mind about FIDM, but I just completely threw them out the window. In one ear, out the other. But recently, I had an epiphany. "Wait a minute, self, what if, possibly.... maybe... I want to study other things too? OH NO!"
If you don't know, FIDM requires you to study one major, and one major ONLY. Which I SHOULD have thought about 6 months ago. But no, of course I didn't.

It's now the beginning of February, and I've decided to not attend FIDM. Real smooth, Katie, real smooth. But not all hope is lost! Thanks to the one and only.... SADDLEBACK COLLEGE! Saddleback (commonly known as, saddlecrack...) is the local COMMUNITY college in town. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm sure Saddleback has a LOT to offer. But unfortunately, my dad HATES community colleges like fire hates water... So of course he's given me the whole "I told you so, I am very disappointed in you lecture," which did bring me to tears last night... /:

Yes, I know, I messed up, big time. But you know, there's nothing wrong with making mistakes. If you never made mistakes, you would never learn. And let me tell ya, I've definitely learned from this whole "6 month" experience.

A women's prerogative is to change her mind, right....?
Right ;)

"When you make a mistake, don't look back at it long. Take the reason of the thing into your mind and then look forward. Mistakes are lessons of wisdom. The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power."
-Hugh White

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